Monday, July 19, 2004


feedback from Martha Clark Cummings

A few thoughts:

1) Last year, the teachers really emphasized their need to have clear pedagogical uses for the technology they were learning about. They saw my job not as a provider of technology but as a provider of pedagogical applications. I can't stress that enough. But it looks like you have already thought of that.

2) Many of the teachers were in situations where there was only one computer in the school where they were working. They really would have liked to have lessons they could do with that one computer. There are some, as I'm sure you know, in Warschauer's book. You could just keep that in the back of your mind. I know the organizers say that they are being trained to be teacher trainers, but the question is, in how many years?

3) Often, links to servers in the States didn't work. You might need to have a backup plan for when the links don't work. Also, get there early to make sure that the computers really are connected to the Internet. Will they have microphones and webcams for you to use? Sorry. I'm sure you've taught in plenty of situations where nothing worked and know exactly how to deal with that problem too.

4) Correction: Ingrid Bowman was also a trainer last year and although we used nicenet as a platform we did a lot more than work with nicenet! Did they not give you the class keys? The key for my class for the second week was 277909T86, if you'd like to have a look at it although I will understand perfectly if you don't have time! Here are the links from Ingrid's class, just to give you a sense of what she covered. (Have you been in touch with her? She was in Tunisia for a year.)

Writing and the Internet

Purdue's Online Writing Lab

Univ of Oregon
Class projects
TOPICS Online Magazine
This online students magazine has a TEACHERS CORNER where you can read about other projects teachers have tried in class.
broken link

Email for English teaching
Keypal information
Epals Exchange
Yahoo free mail
Dave's ESL Cafe

Information about smoking
Science and Tobacco
Americans for non-smokers rights
United Pro Choice Smokers Rights Group

Ingrid's web site
Learn English
Links for the Mahdia Summer Institute are on this site that I created for Tunisia.

Lesson Planning
Ask Eric, now Educator's Reference Desk
Listening & Pronunciation Resources
BBC Listening Resources

Randall's Listening Lab

Practice your English
Fawzi's Englishwebsite

Publisher Sites

Theory of C.A.L.L.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: An Introduction
Great article by Mark Warschauer explaining how C.A.L.L. got started and how it has expanded into today's classrooms.

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